934 entries.
Bu insandan hiç korkmadım. Onu ilk gördüğüm zamandan beri sanki onunla akrabalığım olduğunu düşünüyorum. Aileme ve akrabalarıma sorduğum zaman ise onu hiç tanımadıklarını söyleyip şarşırmış gözlerle bakıyorlar.
I am seem thisman in my bed
i dreamed thisman
Estaba encerrado en un baño público, alguien disparó a través de la puerta y me hirió en el pecho, empecé a escupir sangre, iba a morir, y este hombre apareció con un rollo de papel, y me salvó. Gracias.
from hernád hungary i dreamed whit this man at 00:00
I had a dream that I was in a bathroom looking into the mirror. I looked quite good if I do say so myself. A few seconds later, there was a loud banging on the door. I ignored it. It happened again. I ignored it. Next thing a hand grabbed my ankle and I was dragged. I saw the man. Who is he?
(sorry for writing in portuguese): não me lembro de ter visto This Man em meus sonhos, mas acordado, mais de uma vez. Não me lembro do que fazia antes ou depois de o ter visto, mas um rosto como esse me apareceu durante instantes em que dei pequenas piscadas de olhos
i see this guy whenever something goes wrong in my dreams.
last appearence was 10ish days ago? he just looked at me and said the words something like: You cant give up
then just dissapeared its crazy dude.
I've seen this imagine since I was 10 years old,
I've never had a dream of this man. By the details he looks like a mixture of the brains view of a person while your sleeping (Probably in a bad light) but I suppose I'll walk pass this image and never think of it again.
I saw this man in a dream I had the other night, its hard to remember, but I distinctly remember seeing this man as I was entering light sleep. Dreamt about seeing my parents again. He didn't say anything but he stood there watching me. What do I do?
i have not dreamt him but he is soooo hot i hope i do
You NEED to get out of here... that man is awake and he hungers...
i saw dis man in my dweem. i was eeting top wok and i sawe him
It is too late... the Awaking has started...
saw him yesterday in my dreams, was really scary....
This guy is so scary. He is often seen around me. Unlike what is well known, he is wearing glasses. He often calls me and makes a weird face and says nothing. I don't even know if this is a dream or a reality.
I swear to god i've seen this guy more than once. Maybe it's because my neighbor looked somewhat like him but in a few dreams (from ages 5 to about 11) i have seen this dude.
hello there!
wait a minute